6 Ways Dads Can Help His Partner During Labor

A woman giving birth in a tub with her husband assisting.

Here we are. It’s 2017, just about anyways. While some things change and others stay the same, one place that is quite different than 50 years ago is the role of the dad or partner in the delivery. It is no longer socially acceptable to have the birth partner (usually Dad) stay in a waiting room or really anywhere else other than where the woman labors. This has put a man squarely in the middle in the journey of birth.
Is this what men really want? Yes and no. When we peel back the psyche of men, research shows this transformation of his partner during birth is terrifying. They want to be involved but generally do not understand how they can make a difference. I can help! Here are 5 BIG tips on how dads can help their pregnant partner during labor and delivery.

#1.) Match your breath to hers. What does that mean? Get a sense of her tempo or the beat…. and meet her breathe with yours! Trust me. This is a great way to show her that you want to go through this with her.

#2.) Always be ready with water or other beverages: preferably WITH straw! Some electrolytes can be helpful too.

#3.) Make sure your hands are prepared to squeeze those hips throughout the entire contraction (usually lasting 45 seconds-1 min.)

#4.) Move/sway with her right on tempo with her, as if to dance. Practice this beforehand. You can thank me later.

#5.) Tell her these things repeatedly. Ready to write this one down? (It’s ok if you have to pull out that paper to read so not to forget to say these things- you laugh now. Again you’ll thank me later.) “You got this hon.” “You’re so strong.” “I’m so proud of you.” “You’re beautiful.”

#6.) GET a DOULA!! No joke. This is not the fun run. It is not a dress rehearsal. It’s real. She’s going to feel it. And you are probably not going to know what to do. Sorry. I call it like I see it.

Now you’re set to go. You can do this!